Aromatic vegetative regulating hot mask

Aromatic vegetative regulating hot mask



Manufacturing enterprise: China, «GUANGZHOU CORINNE Cosmetics Co. Ltd.», г. Guangzhou, Huato street, 36.

Protocol of sanitary and healthcare inspection № 54.НС.08.915.П.009824.09.07. от 20 сентября 2007 года

Provider: Russia Ltd. «Greenway» Novosibirsk, Ermakova street 3, phone 8(383)212-50-55

Composition: effective components of rose oil, sundrop oil, heating components.

Action: Contains of heating components of mask strengthens ovaries, removes congestion in blood circulation and chi, removes aches and spasms. The mask is conductive to increase of immunity, reduces tension and stress, raises mood, restores woman's vital energy, fulfill her with energy, gives self-confidence and calm. Skin becomes smooth and tender.

Method of administration: put a mask after shower in the area of ovaries and lumbosacral zone for 10-15 minutes, after that remove mask and put milk or tonic for body. Repeat application 2-3 times a week.

Contra indications: individual intolerance of the components, do not apply in acute states.

Date of issue and expiration date are indicated on the pack.

Store at room temperature

Pack: 100g.*4 pieces




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