The Resolution Of the first Conference of the Russian Naturotherapeutists (Moscow, October 25, 2009)

The Resolution
Of the first Conference of the Russian Naturotherapeutists
(Moscow, October 25, 2009)

The participants of the first Conference of The Russian Naturotherapeutists, which was held in Moscow on the 25th of October, 2009, mentioned with pleasure, that the methods of treatment, based on the using of natural drug, take firm positions in medical practice in our country and in the whole world. During the last 10-15 years the holding of research works in the field of phytotherapy, apiotherapy and hirudotherapy activates visibly. On the pharmaceutical market the quantity of drug of natural, animal and mineral origin increases by degrees. The number of registrated bioactive adjuncts increases rapidly, the basic of which compile the natural components.

The participants of the Conference approved the creation of Noncommercial Organization "Professional Association of naturotherapeutists" and express confidence in the fact, that this organization realizes its huge potential possibilities successfully and will have an influence on the process of the development on naturotherapy in Russia.
At the same time the participants of the Conference are very anxious about the presence of the facts, which are an obstacle to integration of naturotherapy to the public health system. The normative document is still absent, the document, which regulates the work of physicians - phytotherapeutist, apiotherapeutist, hirudotherapeutist in the medical institution. The questions of naturotherapy are almost not introduced in the educational programmes at Medical Institutions. The quantity of kinds of official medicinal vegetative raw materials is almost not increased; the range of natural drug is extending slowly. The system of the state registration of the drug is still not free from strained and unjustified elements, which complicate drug entry to consumers. The dissolution of pharmacopeia committee and specialized expert commissions affect adversely on the state of affairs. Ministry of rural economy does not take effective measures for the recovery of the system of cultivation, growth, gathering and storage of raw materials of cultured herbs.

The first Conference of the Russian Naturotherapeutists decides:
1.To approve the work of Federal Scientific clinical-experimental Centre of Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment under Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and Professional Association of Naturotherapeutists of the organization of the first Conference of the Russian Naturotherapeutists.
2.To establish the regularity of holding a conference of the Russian Naturotherapeutists - one time in two years.
3.To apply to Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation with request to examine a question of the status of phytotherapeutist, apiotherapeutist, hirudotherapeutist in the public health system, to approve appropriate normative documents, which regulate their work.
4.To apply to Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with request about inclusion of the phytotherapy course to the programmes of medical Universities.
5.To ask the Federal Service for the Supervision of Public Health and Social Development to consider the question about recreation of Pharmacopoeia Committee and its specialized expert commissions.
6.To ask the Federal Service for the Supervision of Public Health and Social Development to consider the question about restriction the periods of consideration of applications for registration of phytopreparation to one year.
7.To apply to the Ministry of rural economy of the Russian Federation with request to examine the question of the fast reconstruction of the cultivation system, gathering and storage of medicinal raw materials, first of all, of buckthorn.
8.To apply to the Government of the Russian Federation with urgent recommendation about creation and realization of the State programme for the development of naturotherapy in our country.

Carried unanimously on the 25th of October, 2009.