For the announced competition by the NO “PAN”, for the scientific-research work there was received a textbook by Professor V.A. Kurkin – “The Principles of Phytotherapy”.

For the announced competition by the NO "PAN", for the scientific-research work, textbook (tutorial or study guide), reference book in the field of naturotherapy and naturoformation, homeopathy, and in other fields of traditional medicine, there was received a textbook by Professor V.A. Kurkin - "The Principles of Phytotherapy". Reviewers: the head of a Pharmacognosy and Botany Chair of the Kursk State Medical University, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor V.N. Bubenchikova; the head of a Pharmacognosy Chair of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy", Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor V.A. Chelombitko; deputy director general on the study - the director of the Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute "Federal scientific clinico-experimental centre of traditional diagnostic methods and treatment" (Ministry of Public Health and social development of the Russian Federation) (FSCECTDMT of the RF), the deputy of an editor-in-chief of the magazine "The traditional medicine", the president of NO "Professional Association of Naturotherapists", the doctor of Pharm. Sciences, professor Kiselyova Tatyana Leonidovna.

The textbook is meant for students of medical and pharmaceutical institutes of higher education (faculties), and also for doctors and pharmaceutical workers attending the professional development courses within the scope of the postgraduate studies.


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