The participants of VII-th International Congress “Traditional medicine” sent a urgent telegram to the prime-minister of the Russian Federation - V.V. Putin.

The text of the telegram to the prime-minister of the Russian Federation - V.V. Putin:

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

We, participants of the VII-th International Congress "Traditional medicine" which took place in Moscow, on the 23rd-25th of October of a current year, that gathered experts of the Russian Federation and of 12 foreign countries, resolutely object to the expecting liquidation of the "Federal scientific clinico-experimental centre of traditional diagnostic methods and treatment" (Ministry of Public Health and social development of the Russian Federation) (FSCECTDMT of the RF) at the initiative of the Ministry of Health and Social Development (MHSD). Instead of acceptance of necessary effective measures on the traditional medicine development which importance, as the manufacturer of accessible and effective resource-saving medical technologies, has considerably been grown up all over the world, the ministry practically dissociates itself from the solving of this important social problem. Without the organizational-methodical management, there is only more than thirty thousand "army" of experts of traditional medicine. The federal centre - is a unique scientific institution, the one sui generis in Europe, has been functioning for 32 years. The scientists of the Center have carried out great scientifically-practical valuable workings out on the problems of traditional medicine, many of which surpass similar foreign ones. We have known you, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, as an outstanding statesman who puts interests of Russia above all, and we believe that your exceptional political will even in this situation will support development instead of destruction, will help to find a reasonable and fair decision.

It has been adopted unanimously at the final Congressional Session.


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