HOMEOANTIGRIPPIN complex homeopathic preparation

HOMEOANTIGRIPPIN complex homeopathic preparation

Trade nomination of the preparation: HOMEOANTIGRIPPIN complex homeopathic preparation
Registration code:
Drug formulation: homoeopathic granules

Aconitum C3, Belladonna C3, Bryonia C3, Cepa C3, Eupatorium perf. C3, Echinacea C3, Ferrum phosphoricum C3, Mercurius solubilis C6.

Type of action and indications for use:
Anti-inflammatory preparation at catarrhal diseases, influenza, acute respiratory virus diseases. Produce medicinal and restorative effect. Preserve from complication.
Apply at:
- influenza, acute respiratory virus diseases;
- decrease in immunity;
- colds and prevention of catarrhal diseases;
- acute tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis.
Preparation is intended for prevention and treatment of virus, catarrhal and acute respiratory diseases.

Contra indications and side effects:
Hypersensibility to the components of the preparation. Allergic response is possible.

Posology and method of administration:
In cases of contact with diseased or in the period of prodrome (precursory premonitory symptom) with asthenia, fatigue, collapse, fever - it is possible to apply Homeoantigrippin singly by 5-10 granules, sometimes with 1-2 times repetition in 2-3 hours, which gives the opportunity not to develop disease.
In cases if the disease is developing, it is possible to continue the treatment by 3-5 granules 3-4 times a day during one week.
In cases of acute virus infection course, the treatment of this preparation is recommended to pass by 3-5 granules every half an hour at thirst day.
In cases of temperature evaluation more than 38ºC, it is necessary to dissolve 10 granules for adults, and 3-5 to children, to ½-? of cup with warm boiled water, stir up not less than 10 times and apply with a tea-spoon every 15 minutes to hyperhidrosis and temperature reduction. Further in is necessary to continue the application of the preparation not less than 3-4 times a day.
If the disease doesn't go back and the temperature evaluates to 39ºC, it is possible to combine this preparation with single application of ½-¼ of antifever pill (aspirin).

Special remarks and act habit of ingredients:

ACONITUM NAPELLUS - Aconitum С3 (poisonous helmet flower in dilution 10-6).
- Influenza, hyperthermia (high temperature), fever, start of inflammatory reactions, complicated influenza - paresis and nerve palsy;
- Acts on the whole organism, vascular system, especially on pulmonary capillaries and skin. Acute inflammatory diseases, nervous diseases with pain syndrome, different cardiac syndromes with whiplash of fear, nose bleeding at hypertension; neuralgia including facial nerve;
- Nervous fever, connected with high temperature (dry, hot skin, feeling of heavy in forehead).

BELLADONNA ATROPA - Belladonna С3 (Красавка, Белладонна в разведении 10-6).
- Start of inflammation of mucous membranes at acute virus diseases with fever and than with high temperature.
Sharp, unexpected, stormy clinical course with recrudescense because of the slightest irritation, headaches - pulsate with congestions.
- Acts on nervous system (including sensory ending of facial nerve), lymphatic system, mucous, synovial membranes, muscles, blood vessels, skin, and cellular tissue.
- Antivirus preparation.
- Anti-inflammatory preparation.
- Influenza, acute respiratory virus infections, quinsy, bronchitis, pneumonia, furuncle, carbuncle, erysipelas, rheumatism, cystitis, nephritis, child spasms, chorea, epilepsy.

BRYONIA ALBA - Bryonia С3 (White bryony in dilution 10-6).
- Expressed inflammation of mucous respiratory tract with cough and affection of gastrointestinal tract.
- Anti-inflammatory preparation with inflammation of mucous and serous membranes.
- Dry and exudative pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, rheumatism, polyarthritis, neurology, neuritis, mastitis, kidney disease.
- Acts on mucous membranes, muscles, lymphatic, cardiovascular system, especially veins.
- Aggravation of all the symptoms because of moving, headache with deterioration at moving of eyeballs, dryness of mucous membranes.

BAPTISIA - Baptisia С3 (dyeing Baptisia in dilution 10-6).
- Serious forms of inflammation with typhus like reactions.
- Acts on blood, sympatic nervous system, spleen, mucous membranes.
- Any acute inflammation with fever (quinsy, cholecystitis), enterocolitis (liquid stool with a touch of mucus and blood), general disintoxication action on blood (sepsis, septicemia, decrease in immunity).
- Fever with shivering by 11 a.m.

GELSEMIUM - Gelsemium С3 (yellow jasmine, Gelsemium in dilution 10-6).
- Atypical influenza and chill course with expressed weakness.
- Sight overfatigue, retina debility, eye-muscle fatigue.
- Vertigo, nausea, tremble in hands because of quitting smoking; protect nervous system from poisoning of smoke output.
- Acts on nervous system (including monofacient endings of facial nerve), blood circulation, mucous membranes.
- Neurology, hypertension, neurocirculatory asthenia with tachycardia, vertigo, stupor, enuresis; dysmenorrhea, sudden sharp heartache.
- Good preparation at fiverishness and nervous fever. The basic preparation at mental stress (in combination with Ignatia). Headache (ache in occiput, the feeling of tight bandage, tied up round the head), ache in eyeballs.

EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM - Eupatorium perfoliatum С3. (wild sage in dilution 10-6).
- Influenza with severe clinical course and complications.
- Acts on mucous membranes, bones.
- Influenzal infections with fever, accompanied with ache in limb (especially in shank). The disease of hepato-biliary system with fever. Rheumatism.

MERCURIUM SOLUBILIS HAHNEMANNI - Mercurium solubilis hahnemanni С6 (black mercurous oxide in dilution 10-12).
- Complications at catarrhal diseases, quinsy, pharyngitis.
- Acts on nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, kidney, skin.
- Inflammation of mucous urinusexual tract (pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis), kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of lymphatic glands, abscess, gingivitis, stomatitis, cholangitis, sinusitis; trophic ulcer, herpes.
- Hyperhidrosis with objectionable odor, tendency to festering.
- Anti-inflammatory preparation with effect on lymphoid tissue.

FERRUM PHOSPHRICUM - ferrum phosphricum С6 (iron phosphate in dilution 10-12).
- Influenza with complications - bronchitis, pneumonia.
- Acts on sympatic nervous system, heart, vessels, serous membranes.
- Rheumatic affection of intervertebral and shoulder joint, fever and inflammatory process, gastroenteritis (diarrhea), hypotension, hydrocephalys, bloody expectorations, pneumonia.
- Start of acute inflammation or fever with nose bleeding.

ALLIUM CEPA - Cepa С3 (bulb onion in dilution 10-6).
- Catarrh, sneezing, acute respiratory infections, catarrhal symptoms with aggravation in heat.
- Antivirus action.
- Acts on nervous system, eyes, respiratory apparatus, gastrointestinal tract, skin.
- Rhinitis, laryngo-tracheitis, gastritis, facial nerve paresis, frontal headaches, eustachitis, hay fever, anus chap, panaritium.

ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA - Echinacea С3 (narrow-leaved echinacea in dilution10-6).
- Complications after influenza and chill, immunomodulator - stimulator of immunity (stimulator of cell immunity).
- Acts on blood, blood vessels, lymphatic system, digestive apparatus.
- Furuncle, carbuncle, gangrene.
- Supporting therapy of grievous infection with high temperature. The rise of protective properties of mesenchyma, inflammation of all kinds and localization, septic process.

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