Rotocan liquid extract

Rotocan liquid extract

Drug formulation:
Liquid extract for oral and local administration.
Orange glass bottle by 25 ml.
Chamomile flowers 500 g.
Marigold flowers 250 g.
Milfoil 250 g.
Ethyl alcohol 40% - before getting 1 liter of preparation.
Pharmacological group:
Anti-inflammatory preparation of vegetative origin. Code АТХ: А01АВ11
Pharmacological properties:
Rotokan produces local anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and spasmolytic effect.

Indications for use:
In dentistry: inflammatory diseases of mucous membrane of oral cavity and parodentium of different ethiology (aphthous stomatitis, periodontitis, ulcero-necrotic gingivostomatitis).
In gastroenterology: gastroduodenitis, chronic enteritis, colitis (in complex therapy).

Contra indications:
Hypersensibility to the components of the preparation.

Posology and method of administration:
Dissolve 1 tea-spoon of Rotocan in the cup with warm boiled water before the application.
In dentistry:
At diseases of mucous membrane of oral cavity - applications (15-20 minutes) or rinsing 2-3 times a day during 2-5 days;
Parodentuim treatment - put thin turundas, abundantly wetted in Rotocan liquid, into gum excavation for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out everyday or in a day, only 4-6 times.
In gastroenterology:
Apply per os by1/3-1/2 of cup with Rotokan liquid 30 minutes before meals or in an hour after meals 3-4 times a day, treatment course is 3-6 days;
microclyster with 50-100 ml. of Rotokan liquid after cleansing enema, 1-2 times a day, treatment course is 3-6 days.

Side effects:
Allergic response is possible.

Storage conditions:
At shadowed place, away from children, at temperature from +12ºC to +20ºC.

Expiration date:
2 years.

Pharmacy purchasing terms:
Without receipt.

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